Why do Buddhist use lotus?

The lotus represents holiness and beauty. When you enter the temple, you’ll see lotus images everywhere. In the Mahavira Hall, the Buddha is seated on a lotus throne with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. The lotus eyes are lowered, and the three saints of the West – Amitabha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva – are […]

Can you buy a Buddha for yourself?

There is a lay Buddhist in Tianjin, China, who has devoted himself to shaping Buddha statues for more than 20 years. He carefully molds them in accordance with the requirements of the “Buddha Says the Statue Measurement Sutra”. No matter how difficult his life is, or someone buys him at a high price, he does […]

Can I throw away a Buddha statue?

In daily life, we often see good people offering sacrifices to Buddha (gods) at home. After making offerings for a while, they no longer want to do so for various reasons, or the statues have been damaged and are no longer solemn. They want to ask for a new Buddha statue to offer, but the […]

What was Budai famous for?

Budai monk, named Tingzi, a native of Fenghua, Mingzhou (Ningbo), was a renowned monk of the Later Liang Dynasty during the Five Dynasties. The Budai monk is the incarnation of Maitreya Bodhisattva, also known as Buddha. He is fat, has frowning brows and a big belly. He speaks erratically and sleeps everywhere. He bares his […]

ls Budai a god?

Budai is Maitreya Buddha. Also known as Maitreya Bodhisattva Mahasattva, Maitreya is also from Sanskrit, meaning “compassion” and translated as “Cishi”. This is just Maitreya’s surname, and his name is “Ajita”. After becoming a monk, Maitreya revered Sakyamuni Buddha as his teacher. The Buddha once predicted that Maitreya would inherit his throne and become the […]

Why is Budai so popular?

Maitreya Buddha is a Budai monk. Qici monk., also known as “Ajita Bodhisattva”, which means “invincible”. Maitreya Bodhisattva now lives in the inner courtyard of Tusita Heaven. After four thousand years (equivalent to 5.6 billion years of the earth), he came to the world and became a Buddha under the Longhua tree in Hualin Garden. […]

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