Can I buy Laughing Buddha for myself?

For me, I purchased Buddha statues and Bodhisattvas for myself and then set up a Buddhist hall in my home to offer offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Therefore, it is possible for individuals to purchase a Laughing Buddha for themselves. The Laughing Buddha is a fat bodhisattva with a large belly who laughs loudly. bu […]

Buddhists cannot eat eggs

Many Buddhist disciples have given up eating meat for many years, but they still eat eggs, duck eggs, etc. So, should Buddhist disciples eat these eggs? Let me tell you a true story first:The story of women eating eggs At a Dharma conference, lay practitioner Chen brought her colleague Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin is about […]

what are incense sticks made of

In Buddhism, offering incense is often seen as a sign of respect and piety. There is no set standard or procedure for making incense. Different regions, monasteries, and individuals may have unique customs and traditions. Guoqing explains a method for making Buddhist incense. Preparing raw materials for making Buddhist incense Before making Buddhist incense, you […]

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