You must repent for slandering Buddha and Dharma

The consequences of slandering Buddhism, especially Mahayana Buddhism, are very serious. The Sutra of “Buddha Says the Wonderful Dharma Determines Karma Obstacles” says: “Where the Mahayana scriptures are performed. If there are sentient beings who hear the Mahayana scriptures and are displeased to hear them and slander them, you should know that they are the […]

Serious illness requires sincere repentance

According to Chinese traditional medicine, the causes of illness include:Six evils (wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, fire)Seven emotions (joy, anger, worry, thoughts, sadness, fear, surprise), overwork, overwork, improper diet and other factors. If the patient’s righteousness is sufficient and the evil qi has not invaded, he will recover quickly as long as he takes a […]

The power of repentance

Each of us sentient beings has unknowingly committed a lot of bad karma, causing the mani orb of our own nature to be contaminated with a lot of dust and dirt. The shield of ignorance prevents us from seeing the light of our nature. This requires a certain method to clean up the dirt, and […]

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