What are traditional Buddhist offerings?

Flowers and fruits are usually offered in front of the Buddha, and lamps and incense are burned. What’s the point of this? Is it for decoration, or for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to smell and eat? That would be a big mistake. Common basic offerings include incense, lamps, candles, flowers, fruits, water, etc. Incense represents the […]

What are Chinese Buddhist offerings?

Chinese Buddhist supplies Water cups, incense burners, fruit plates, vases, niches, altars, lotus lamps, butter lamps, chanting machines, hand beads, Buddhist supplies (4 photos) rosary beads, hanging beads, pagodas, stupas, Buddhist seven gemstones, etc. Magical instruments Vajra, wooden fish, bronze chime, hezi, block, tambourine, yinqing, wind chime, cloud board, alms bowl, five offerings, vase, scripture […]

Why is Guanyin so popular?

In traditional Asian culture, the Guanyin Bodhisattva is revered as a symbol of compassion and wisdom. She was widely admired for her kindness, tolerance, and selflessness. This article will examine why Guanyin is so popular and analyze the cultural factors behind it. The Origin and Legend of Guanyin Bodhisattva Guanyin Bodhisattva originated from Indian Buddhism […]

why buddha sits on lotus flower

The lotus is fresh and upright, emerging from the mud but not stained, and washing the clear ripples without being evil. It symbolizes the “gentleman” in the dirty world. In Buddhism, the meaning of lotus is far more profound and vast.For example, when the Buddha was born, he stepped on lotus flowers, held lotus flowers […]

Why is the lotus a symbol of Buddhism?

Lotus, for Buddhism, lotus is a very noble and sacred thing. The lotus flower is immortal and will appear again in the next year. It symbolizes the immortality of the human soul and the continuous reincarnation. Buddhism regards the lotus as a holy flower, using the lotus as a metaphor for the Buddha, symbolizing that […]

How to pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva?

How to pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva? When many people worship Bodhisattva, they only focus on saying what they want, such as ” Bodhisattva blesses me with wealth, Bodhisattva blesses me with longevity, Bodhisattva blesses me with family harmony, etc. This is against the law. Let us remember these three points. First, praise the name of […]

Why do Buddhist use lotus?

The lotus represents holiness and beauty. When you enter the temple, you’ll see lotus images everywhere. In the Mahavira Hall, the Buddha is seated on a lotus throne with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. The lotus eyes are lowered, and the three saints of the West – Amitabha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva – are […]

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