Fear of the dark disease

One day, a female lay practitioner in her forties, accompanied by her husband, came to visit the old monk Miaofa. She said that since she was a child, she has been scared when it gets dark. She would not dare to enter a room without a light on. Therefore, when it gets dark, she will turn on the lights in all the rooms in the house, otherwise she will not even have the courage to go in and turn on the lights after dark. Even so, if something rolled down under the bed or furniture, she would not dare to reach into the shadow to pick it up, because she would get creepy whenever she saw darkness. Growing up, I went to many hospitals and met many experts, but they all spent money to find out the cause of the disease, and could not find a cure. I was very distressed.

The master said that in her previous life, she was a man, and her family was so poor that they could not even afford oil for lighting lamps. At the entrance of their village, there lived a kind-hearted family. On moonless nights, the family would hang an oil lamp outside the door to illuminate the way for night travelers, so as to prevent pedestrians from being in trouble because they could not see the road clearly. Scared, but also indicating the location of the village to passers-by in the dark. This man, driven by poverty, often stole the oil from the lamp late at night. When the oil lamp is extinguished, night travelers will feel fear and lose direction. If this is the cause and effect, she will suffer from acrophobia in this life.

After hearing this, the female lay practitioner was convinced, but she was worried that the cause of the disease in her previous life could still be cured now. Master told her that once the explanation of cause and effect has been established, it will be over. This is also the reaction of chanting sutras and reciting Buddha’s name in this life. It’s like you have a boil. When it’s ripe, it’s time to pop it. The old monk Miaofa also told her to repent of her sins by repenting of her sins through seven volumes of “Liang Huang Bao Confessions”. The female layman left with a heart filled with conviction.

I would like to dedicate this merit to the original author, the protagonist of the story, and all readers. I wish you all health and safety, increased blessings and wisdom, and realize Bodhi as soon as possible.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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