Reunion after breaking up the family

Lu Shanjie is my man. My name is Ma Jinxia. Now I have converted to Buddhism and become a disciple of Master Miaofa. Everyone calls me Lay Master Ma, and I feel very happy. Although our 14-year-old son has not yet converted to Buddhism, he has changed a lot for the better. He even copied a copy of the Ksitigarbha Sutra for me! Although my family is not very rich now, I don’t have to worry about not having enough food. Wear, what makes me most happy is that since Sanjie started to study Buddhism, he suddenly changed into a different person. At first, even I couldn’t believe it. I thought he had some disease. That day he carried a Buddha statue into his house and enshrined it in his arms. He walked directly above the living room, and from then on he burned incense, kowtowed and recited Buddhist scriptures every day. I asked him a little timidly: “Can people like us burn incense and recite Buddhist scriptures? Will the Buddha bless us?”

Listen to what he said: “Our son is naughty and doesn’t study well. He is a famous bad student. Doesn’t the teacher hope that he will become better every day? If I, Lu Shanjie, were a good person, I wouldn’t need to learn Buddhism. I used to often talk to him It’s my fault that you quarrel, scold you, and sometimes hit you. From now on, I will never drink again. If you are still angry with me, just beat me to relieve your anger.”

“Oh my God! Why did the sun come out in the west today?!”

Lu Shanjie actually spoke in human language! My eyes widened when he spoke, and tears flowed down my face.

I don’t know what fate happened in my life, but the young and beautiful me actually married him, who was well-known in the village for being a good fighter. At that time, I thought that such a young man had a lot of backbone, and I would not be able to stand the anger of others if I married him.

I was really right. Not only did no one dare to bully me, but even my friends and fellow villagers in the past were alienated from me. Later I found out what kind of “hero” he was and became his wife. Who dares to offend me? !

Every day after get off work, he would often not go home. He would drink with his friends outside and get into fights when he drank too much. Even when eating and drinking at home, they act drunkenly, pretend to be drunk, throw things and hit their children before the wine is finished. One time he scolded me for a trivial matter, and I couldn’t help but yelled at him. He reached out and slapped me on the left ear. At that time, I fainted and fell to the ground with stars in my eyes. I didn’t know anything anymore. When I woke up, I couldn’t hear anything in my left ear. After examination at the hospital, it was found that my eardrum was ruptured.

There are too few times in this house where we don’t fight, scold or quarrel. As the saying goes, “Those who are close to black are evil.” Due to emotional disharmony, I gradually got into the bad habits of drinking, smoking, and playing cards as I was distressed and cynical. What I thought at the time was: You can’t live well, so why should I save it for you. After getting paid, they eat and drink a lot, then go to the card table to find excitement, and they lose three hours a day. I can smoke two packs of cigarettes and drink one bottle of liquor a day. Smoking and drinking have brought me many diseases. My salary, which was not much in the first place, was given to the hospital in large amounts. Often it was only halfway through the month and my pockets were already empty, so I had to think of some crooked way to get by. Sometimes we are drinking together, and when we get into a fight, bottles and dishes fly all over the house, children cry, adults yell, what do you think, none of the neighbors come to break up the fight. Look at our popularity, this can be considered a family!

Shan Jie and Li Jie used Buddhism to save my family, which was about to be ruined. I also followed Shanjie on the path of learning Buddhism, converted to the old monk Miaofa, and got rid of all bad habits. Now not only does our family look brand new, but also Shanjie The evil spirit on his face was gone and he became gentle. I myself have recovered from all my illnesses, and my face has a healthy aura that I haven’t seen for many years – it is flushed, and I like to see it when I look in the mirror.

Today, taking advantage of the opportunity of Guo Qing to write his second book, we take the initiative to ask that the story about our couple be revealed. Anyway, we have long been “celebrities” and are not afraid of being embarrassed. People like us and families like us can Change, break up and reunite, what kind of family can’t escape suffering and find happiness!

Disciple of the Three Treasures Ma Jinxia pays homage

November 14, 2002

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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