Obstacles to Stock Trading and Learning Buddhism

Master Zhang has studied Buddhism very diligently. For more than ten years, he has strictly observed the precepts, chanted sutras, prayed and repented, organized sutra printing and released animals on a regular basis. As long as it was for the benefit of sentient beings, he was willing to work hard to do it. He was a true practicing layman. .

Over the years, because he has been practicing charity and cultivating blessing fields, the home appliance business he runs is prosperous and smooth, and he has also accumulated a certain amount of wealth. At the beginning of this year, a friend suggested that he engage in stock trading to increase the value of his assets. After hearing this, Jushi Zhang felt that it was just what he wanted. If he could earn more money through the stock market and then use it to benefit all sentient beings, wouldn’t it be a win-win situation for two birds with one stone? After the thought came to my mind, that night, the Dharma Protector gave me a hint in my dream: “Real practitioners cannot trade in stocks.” After waking up from the dream, the Dharma Protector’s words kept lingering in my ears.

After repeated reflections, Jushi Zhang suddenly understood: If you want to cultivate beyond the Three Realms, you cannot practice stock trading. Because stocks rise and fall all the time, there are great risks in the stock market. Everyone who trades in stocks will have a speculative mentality to a greater or lesser extent, and is eager to make money from the stock market, which invisibly encourages their own greed and desire. , this kind of greed will seriously affect the health of the mind and is harmful to practice.

Looking at it from another angle, the “Heart Sutra” says: “The heart has no worries, so there are no worries, there is no fear, stay away from upside-down dreams, and finally reach nirvana.” If you participate in stock trading, you will inevitably care about the stock market, and you will have one more worry and more. Every worry will make you worry more; when the stock market fluctuates and the stock price drops, you will worry about the shrinkage of the capital you have invested. I am afraid that it will be difficult to maintain a calm mentality that was originally good… Let me ask a practitioner if this is always the case. , bound by stocks, money, gains and losses, how can we stay away from upside-down dreams and achieve nirvana? Of course, if you have broken through the four phases and are no longer attached, that is a different story.

Therefore, I would like to sincerely remind all Buddhist friends: true practitioners cannot speculate in stocks.

Tip: Due to the origin and destruction of conditions, we have this body that suffers all kinds of suffering. For its food, clothing, shelter and transportation, we have all kinds of greed every moment. Buddhist disciples must nourish their body with pure wealth and pure wealth. Money is difficult to convert and retain, so you must firmly believe in cause and effect. Money comes from giving. Planting fields of blessings and seeking wealth according to the Dharma is the way for lay people to make a living. If you want to practice true cultivation, you need to be cautious and stay away from speculative industries such as stocks.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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