Possession disease

Forty to fifty students aged 13 or 14 from a sports school in Beijing collectively organized a trip to Panshan Mountain in Jixian County. There is a crevice on the mountain, and the rocks on both sides are only one meter apart. Looking down from the empty crevice, it is about ten meters above the […]

Whose fault

Not long ago, a friend of mine who immigrated to a certain country, Ms. Tian and his wife, returned to China to visit relatives. She worriedly told me about her brother Tian Jie’s illness in the United States, and hoped that I could take her to see the old monk Miaofa and ask for advice […]


A young couple in Taiyuan City gave birth to a two-year-old son who still can’t walk and can’t speak clearly. The doctor diagnosed the child with mild cerebral palsy. The couple was extremely anxious and specially entrusted me to consult the old monk Miaofa. The old monk Miaofa said: “In his previous life, this child […]

Strange cause

A female lay practitioner in her sixties asked the old monk Miaofa, saying that she had always felt suffocated in her heart and chest for decades, and had been to many hospitals but could not find the disease. She took an unknown amount of Chinese and Western medicine but it had no effect, and she […]

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