What is the way to change your destiny?

People’s destiny can be changed, and people can completely change their destiny and control their own future through the correct methods. Mr. Yuan Liaofan, a Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty, wrote his personal practical experience into the “Four Lessons from Liaofan”, which inspired countless future generations to use the correct Buddhist methods to change their […]

Good and evil thoughts in Buddhism

The Buddha said in the “Eight Great Enlightenment Sutras”: “The heart is the source of evil, and the form is the trough of sin.” The “Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters” says: “The heart is the cause of merit. If the cause of merit is stopped, all those who follow it will cease. “Good thoughts and evil […]

Learn Buddhism and save idiots

The Oda family is a Buddhist family. Although their family is not wealthy, they live a happy and comfortable life. Oda’s study of Buddhism begins with a bizarre story from her father. Xiaotian’s father (hereinafter referred to as “Laotian”) is a typical southern farmer with the unique hardworking character of farmers. He works from sunrise […]

What are items are important in Buddhism?

Buddhism consists of six main ways of behavior: giving, observing precepts, patience, diligence, meditation, and prajna. It is these six behaviors that are important in Buddhism. So which of these behaviors is more important? There is no doubt that it is Prajna. Why Prajna? Prajna is translated as wisdom in Chinese. In fact, it is […]

Buddhism changed me

This is Jushi Li’s real experience. Let’s listen to what she has to say: My name is Li Minhui. Although I am only in my early 30s, my life of suffering has made me feel helpless and disappointed. It was not until I encountered Buddhism that my life changed like never before. My mother gave […]

Why do Buddhist offer flowers?

The offering of flowers is one of the important daily rituals in Buddhism, also called flower offering. Offering flowers means placing flowers in appropriate vessels and offering them in front of the Buddha. Offering flowers can achieve many merits and virtues. “The Sutra on the Difference of Karma and Retribution by the Elder Buddha Shoujia” […]

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