Do Buddhists in various countries eat meat?

Buddhism is divided into Dacheng Buddhism and Xiaocheng Buddhism. Areas that believe in Dacheng Buddhism include China, Mongolia, Japan and South Korea, while areas that believe in Xiaocheng Buddhism include Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar and other places. In these areas, the habit of vegetarians among monks generally only appears in China. In other areas, there […]

How to survive a desperate situation

Only when they are on the verge of despair, many people think of “temporarily holding on to the Buddha’s feet” and seek help from the great and compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and pray for the Buddha’s power and blessings. At this time, if you are destined to meet the guidance of a good teacher, and […]

why is budai fat

Maitreya Buddha is also known as Budai monk, and this monk is Ajita, also known as Maitreya Bodhisattva. Maitreya Buddha exists in history. The Maitreya Buddha statues in China are all modeled after the “fat image” of the Budai monk. Maitreya Bodhisattva more than two thousand years ago More than two thousand years ago, when […]

What is the story of Budai?

The Budai Buddha is based on a real Zen monk who lived in Zhejiang Province, China during the Tang Dynasty. Known as the budai monk, he is a man who laughs heartily and brings good luck. It is the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha. The budai monk was born from a lotus flower. According to Buddhist […]

Why did Guanyin become female?

Guanyin was revered as a male image in China from its introduction from India until the end of the Tang Dynasty. Guanyin Bodhisattva is a crucial character mentioned in the Lotus Sutra, Huayan Sutra, and the Pure Land Sutras. As the importance of these classics increased during the Tang Dynasty, Guanyin’s reputation also increased, and […]

Who is the fat bodhisattva?

His smiling face, fat and cheerful all day long, is Buddha Maitreya. In Chinese Buddhist temples, when you enter the mountain gate, you will often see a statue of a fat monk with a big smile, bald head, big ears, a bare chest, and a protruding belly, sitting on his back and laughing at the […]

Be focused when chanting mantras

The Buddha said in the Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters, “Control your mind in one place and do everything.” The most important thing in reciting mantras and chanting sutras is to control your mind. Since I have been very busy with study and work recently, when I was doing evening classes and reciting the Diamond Sutra […]

How to pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva?

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is one of the most revered Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. He is compassionate, saves all living beings, can alleviate suffering, and fulfills his desires without hindrance. When many people face difficulties or have a wish, they pray to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, hoping for his protection and guidance. How can we pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva with […]

What is the meaning of Namo Avalokitesvara?

Namo, pronounced na mo, is the transliteration of the Sanskrit name गृहम्‌. It means seeking refuge.“Guan” means observation,“Shi” means the world.“Yin” means sound.In Sanskrit, the term “बोधिसत्त्व” is also abbreviated as “Bodhisattva.“Bodhi” means enlightenment,“Sattva” refers to sentient beings. Avalokitesvara meaning Avalokitesvara meaning: to listen to the sounds of the world, save the most suffering beings, […]

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