Beauty and the Bandit

One night, a female lay Buddhist from somewhere overseas asked to see the old monk Miaofa.

“Master, I am a lawyer in a law firm. Our firm recently took over a bizarre divorce case. A middle-aged woman who looked dignified and beautiful, but looked very haggard, asked us to help her divorce her husband. The reason It was her husband who often raped her. The day after we accepted the case, we invited her husband to come to the office and found that her husband looked weak and not a strong and strong man. After we explained the situation to him, he actually begged us He assisted his wife in her work and must not divorce him. Because his wife was severely mentally stimulated, she would be homeless or even die if divorced. Later, he told us about his wife’s All our colleagues were shocked by this tragic fate and deeply sympathized with their unfortunate family, so we wanted to help them. But this poor woman had to ask for a divorce, and we had nothing to do. I took advantage of this vacation to come here specifically Please tell me why this beautiful woman had such a rough fate, and is it possible for her to recover? Please enlighten me with compassion, Master.”

“Please tell me what unfortunate fate this woman has.”

“This woman and her husband are originally from Hong Kong. They have been classmates since elementary school and are very good friends with each other. When they graduated from high school, the two were walking in the park one day. The boy asked the girl to marry him after graduating from college. No. After thinking about it, the girl cried and cried very sadly. She said that she loved him very much, but she was not qualified to marry him. After repeated questioning by the boy, he had to reveal the reason: her father passed away when she was eight years old. , the following year, her mother got married again. When she was fourteen, her stepfather raped her like a beast. Although her mother knew it, she could only swallow it. From then on, the nightmare began, and her stepfather has occupied her for a long time to this day. The boy was very angry and angry after hearing this. He sympathized with her and immediately determined to save her from the clutches of the devil. The boy’s father ran a shoe factory in Hong Kong and had a wealthy family. He concealed the girl’s humiliation and only expressed their firm love to her parents and hoped to go to Canada to go to university together.

“They finally got what they wanted. After graduating from college, they got married and ran their own shoe store. Soon they gave birth to a lovely boy, and the family lived a happy and carefree life. However, something unexpected happened, and their Their son was kidnapped when he was eight years old. They did not dare to call the police. After sending hundreds of thousands of ransoms, they found that their son had been dumped in the wild. The death of their son caused a great physical and mental blow to the couple, especially his wife. , unable to recover for a long time. Unexpectedly, misfortunes never come singly. Within a year, one of their large leather container trucks was robbed when returning from the dock. Due to the delay in the contract with the merchant, it caused great economic losses. However, this shrouded The couple’s bad luck did not go away. One night three years later, as their shoe store was about to close, a large container truck suddenly stopped in front of the door, and six masked robbers jumped out of the truck. They rushed into the store without any explanation, tied up the unsuspecting couple, and robbed them of all their cash and jewelry. The most heinous thing was that they gang-raped her in front of her husband. Her. After the incident, she had a complete mental breakdown. She had been in a trance and often had hallucinations. She believed that her husband had raped her, so she insisted on getting a divorce. Please tell me, what sin did she cause in her previous life to make this life so miserable? We I really want to help her!”

Everyone present was shocked by this tragic story. They really didn’t expect that a weak woman would suffer such mental and physical harm one after another. They couldn’t help but complain about the injustice of God.

At this time, the old monk Miaofa sighed softly: “This woman was a boy in her previous life. She was born in a poor family. Her parents died early, so she wandered around. She once begged for food and herded sheep for the landlord’s family. Later, she couldn’t stand the inhumane treatment. He was tortured, escaped, made a living by stealing, and finally ran to the mountains and became a bandit. From then on, he committed all kinds of evil, robbing houses, bullying men and women, killing people and stealing goods. Once he went to the village to rob, and saw a woman in a family who was a bit raw. Because of her beauty, she tied up her husband and raped the woman. In the next few years, she was often bullied. The couple were afraid of her ferocity, so they could only endure the humiliation and survive.

“In this life, the bandit was reincarnated into this miserable woman. Her cruel adoptive father was the reincarnation of the woman who had been occupied by the bandits for a long time in the previous life. In this life, he came to seek revenge from her and collect debts. As for her son being killed, property robbed, and suffering The gang rape by gangsters was the retribution she deserved for her wrongdoings in her previous life. As the saying goes, “When fate meets you, you will receive your retribution.” Of course, no one can shirk the punishment for violating national laws in this life because of the grievances and grievances in her previous life. Doing evil will inevitably lead to punishment. If punished by national law, it will also lay endless disasters for the future. “If you want to know the cause of the past life, the recipient of this life is; if you want to know the consequences of the future life, the author of this life is.” I advise those who are doing evil to turn around quickly or stop doing evil. Do it and repent of your crime; or take the initiative to surrender to the judicial department to seek leniency. So as not to regret it too late when the evil retribution comes. Because “the sky is wide and there is no omission”. Even if you escape the sanction of the law, you will not be able to escape. The bad karma you have done. The scriptures say, “Retribution follows you like a shadow,” and “Even if it lasts for thousands of kalpas, your deeds will not be destroyed.” These are all admonishing us to “do no evil, and do all the good.” Don’t be careless! “

Everyone was convinced by what the old monk Miaofa said, and they marveled at the retribution of karma!

At this time, someone asked: “This woman could be said to have done many evil things when she was a bandit in her previous life. Why did she meet a husband who was so affectionate and loyal to her in this life?”

“One night, when the bandits were returning to the mountains after robbing, they met a little boy in ragged clothes, bruised and crying sadly. He immediately recalled his miserable childhood, and he felt compassion. When he asked, he learned that the little boy was crying sadly. The child was severely beaten because he lost the landlord’s cow. He was also threatened to report it to the police if he could not find the cow. After his father was sent to jail, he was very angry. The bandit took a handful of money from his pocket and stuffed it into the child’s hand. . Told him to take the money to compensate for his employer’s cattle, and then do some small business with his father to make a living, and then stop working for his employer. The little boy kowtowed to the bandits with the money in his hands, and said with tears of gratitude that he would be a cow or a horse in his next life. We must repay his life-saving grace! This little boy is this woman’s husband in this life. So no matter what hardships she suffers, he will never leave her, caring for her and loving her unswervingly.”

The old monk’s eloquent talk suddenly dispelled the doubts in everyone’s minds.

“Ordinary people do not understand Buddhism and do not understand the principle of karma and retribution. Throughout their lives, their minds will change according to circumstances due to the six impure roots and ignorance, and their actions will be a mixture of good and evil. If this woman can accept the Buddha’s teachings and sincerely repent of herself All the bad karma she has done in the past will disappear as soon as she confesses it. It is like the ice encountering the scorching sun, and it is like drawing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, cutting off the source of disaster and misfortune. If she can observe the five precepts and ten good deeds, and be respectful every day Recite “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Original Vow Sutra” once, and dedicate it to the sentient beings who have been harmed by her in the previous life. If you persevere, your old karma will definitely be eliminated, and your future destiny will be changed.”

The sincere teachings of the old monk Miaofa were carefully written down in the notebook by the female lawyer. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, believing that this poor woman would soon be free from the entanglement of bad luck.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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