Boss Jin

Once, a dozen of us lay people were going to Mount Wutai to visit the old monk Miaofa. The person who drove us was a friend of the lay people, the boss of a certain printing factory. Although he does not believe in Buddhism, he is the kind of person who is willing to fight for his friends. He drove his newly bought Sanfeng car to drive such a long way to see us off. Firstly, he was helping a friend; secondly, he had heard some magical stories about the old monk Miaofa and wanted to come and have some fun; thirdly, he had never been to Mount Wutai, a Buddhist resort. Unfortunately, on the first day when we asked the old monk Miaofa for help, he fell asleep, perhaps because of the fatigue of driving. The next day, several lay people asked the old monk Miaofa for advice on the cause of their illness. The master actually told them what animals they had killed, how to kill them, how to eat them, and what someone had stolen in the past and how much they had used. , how many and where to put them, all clearly stated. It really shocked Boss Jin, and his two small eyes widened. It was obvious that he was very excited and nervous, and he hesitated to speak several times.

That afternoon he came to discuss with me and wanted to meet with the old monk Miaofa alone in the evening to ask some questions. Out of sympathy, I took Master’s consent in advance and took him to the guest room at seven o’clock in the evening. I saw Boss Jin kneeling respectfully in front of Master Miaofa, clasping his hands together, and solemnly kowtowed three times. It seems that he has been impressed by the master and truly believes in Buddhism. (When we first saw Master Miaofa bowing yesterday, he was standing outside the door.)

After sitting down, Boss Jin expressed his difficulties with a sad face:

My wife Xiaoliang and I have been married for twelve years and have a ten-year-old boy. Before marrying Xiao Liang, I had been in love with my neighbor Xiao Li, who had been my classmate for nine years. It can be said that we were childhood sweethearts, and we had already begun to prepare for marriage. It was at this time that I met Xiao Liang. Her appearance, working conditions, and family environment were all inferior to Xiao Li’s, but I didn’t know what evil possessed me at the time, but I fell in love with Xiao Liang at first sight, and married Xiao Liang despite the objections of my relatives and friends. On the third day of the wedding, relatives and friends still came to my home, and my parents were busy taking care of them.

At this time, two more friends of mine came in. They congratulated me and said to me with a smile: “Xiao Jin, you are really not a friend enough. You don’t tell your friends when you get married, for fear of drinking your wedding wine!”

Xiao Liang and I walked up to him and said with a smile, “I’m sorry, I got married in a hurry and got confused. Please forgive me!” Xiao Liang immediately handed over cigarettes and candy bars.

“Hey! Xiaojin, why didn’t you tell us? It turns out that your sister-in-law is so beautiful. Are you afraid that we will take her away?”

I also laughed and joked: “Why is it beautiful? It’s so ugly that I regret it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Liang suddenly turned around, his eyes widened, and he hit me with two heavy slaps on the face. For a moment, stars burst out of my eyes, everyone in the room was stunned, and the bride cried again. They made trouble again and refused to give up. I was stunned at first, Monk Zhanger couldn’t figure it out, and then I became so angry that I really wanted to tear her to pieces! But I lowered my raised hands again. Reason told me that once a fight broke out, not only would the neighbors laugh at it, but my parents would be angry to death! With the apology from two friends and everyone’s persuasion, I had to suppress my anger and endure it with a smile on my face.

In the past twelve years, we have been quarreling and fighting constantly. We have been divorced six times. In two of them, she even took away the furniture and clothes. However, every time when I was about to go through the divorce procedures, I would always be bumped into by my relatives and friends who would try to dissuade me from divorce. This matter has always been a knot in my mind. Both of them want to divorce, but they can’t get divorced. It’s a bit weird. Can Master please give me some advice?

When Boss Jin was talking, Master Miaofa closed his eyes slightly, as if he was listening and thinking.

At this time, he looked up at Boss Jin and said, “When you take your children to the zoo, do you like to see white peacocks?”

Boss Jin said: “Yes, I think the white peacock is elegant and beautiful when it opens its tail.”

“Three lives ago, you were born as a boy in a village at the foot of the mountain. You often went up the mountain to cut firewood, and met a white peacock that lived on the mountain. You would bring some food to the white peacock every time, and the white peacock also liked to play with you. . You love the white peacock, and the white peacock also likes you. Love means affection. In the next life, you will still be a boy, and the white peacock will be reincarnated as a girl, and they will be married because of their love in the previous life. But because the girl is an animal, she will not be reincarnated as a human body. The habits of animals are still there, so husband and wife often quarrel. When you lose your temper, you will inevitably hit her. She is a woman and cannot hit you, so she will naturally hold a grudge in her heart. You will be reincarnated as a man again, and you will be dressed as if you are practicing martial arts. Yes. One day you were pushing a wooden cart on the mountain road, and suddenly a wolf jumped from the mountain. You took out an iron chain from the cart and started fighting with the wolf. After a while, you knocked the wolf to the ground. You quickly used The iron chain was wrapped around the wolf’s neck and tightened hard. The wolf struggled for a while and became motionless. You dragged the wolf to the side of the road and pushed the cart away. Later, the wolf came to life again, but due to the nerve damage, his limbs were damaged. Paralyzed. Its howl called the other wolves, who dragged it back to the den, where it slowly died.”

Old monk Miaofa saw that Boss Jin was hesitant about the story he told, and asked again: “Is there a white irregular mark from the womb above your wife’s Adam’s apple?”

Upon hearing this, Boss Jin was shocked and said: “Yes, yes!”

The old monk Miaofa looked at his pale face and said gently: “Don’t be nervous. Everyone’s body shape, facial features, as well as the marks in the womb, hand lines, temperament, and even beauty and ugliness, white The blackness is all related to the karma created in the previous life. I, the Buddha, are compassionate, because you are usually kind-hearted and willing to help others. Although you do not believe in Buddhism, this time you can help people who believe in Buddhism to go to the mountain to worship the Buddha and listen to the Dharma, so I will tell you today. Cause and effect. Now that it is broken, there is a way to solve it. Don’t think that the wolf sleeping next to you is a real person. Each of us has been reincarnated in the six paths since the beginning, and we may have been to any of them, even the Buddha In the past, I also appeared in the world as the Deer King. Let me ask you one more thing, have you ever helped several women buy tickets to enter the temple?”

Boss Jin was obviously shocked again: “Yes, yes. They were a few laid-off female workers who wanted to go to the temple to worship Buddha and pray for blessings, but were having difficulty with the four yuan ticket. I happened to pass by and heard the discussion of several of them. , I ran over and bought a few tickets for them. How come you know these little things?”

“If you don’t want people to know, you have to stop doing it. This applies to good and evil.”

“Then you also know all the bad things I have done?”

“All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as well as ghosts and gods in heaven and earth, know and see everything. That’s why the Buddha tells us not to do any evil and to practice good deeds.”

“Then will my wife take my life again in the future?”

“When you were in your forties, one night after you came home, you quarreled with your wife over trivial matters and beat her a few times. Then you lay down and fell asleep. Your wife was crying. After a while, I became cruel, found a piece of wire, tied it up, and tied one end to the leg of the bed on one side. Then I wrapped the wire around your neck, grabbed the other end of the wire with both hands, and kicked it with my feet. Bed, pull the wire tightly. You struggled for a while and stopped. She let go and was quiet for a while, but was frightened again. She pushed you and called you again. Unexpectedly, you opened your eyes again, but from the neck down He lost consciousness and has been half-paralyzed since then.”

Hearing this, Boss Jin’s face turned pale. He suddenly knelt down in front of the old monk Miaofa and said in panic: “Master, save me! Five or six years ago, one day I was visiting a department store. When I was leaving the door, there was a man pushing me. A wheelchair entered the door. I was surprised to find: Why was it me in the car! But he was older than me, he looked to be in his forties. When I took a closer look, it was not me, and when I looked at it, it was still me. This is really why This made me awkward for several days. I thought at that time: Does this mean that I will be half-paralyzed when I am forty years old? It’s really puzzling. Master, you hit the mark when you said this today. It seems that I really have such a problem. Nan, please save me and accept me as your disciple. I will convert to Buddhism from today on. Otherwise, what’s the use of making more money?”

The old monk Miaofa smiled and said: “Get up quickly. The temple will inform you about the refuge. As for how to relieve you from this difficulty, the key lies in yourself. First, you must sincerely repent of all the mistakes you made in your previous life, including quarreling, beating, and killing wolves. . You can go to the main hall to worship Buddha and repent now. It would be better if you can set up a Buddhist hall at home when you return home. If it is inconvenient, you can not set it up. The Buddha is in your heart, but every day when you have time, you should pray for the past life. The wolf you injured, paralyzed, and died recited “Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Universal Door”. It takes about ten minutes to recite it once. You can recite it several times a day according to your time, but you must be calm and focused when reciting it, and sincerely dedicate it to that wolf. Wolf, help the wolf increase its blessings, get connected with the Buddha, and eliminate the wolf’s hatred towards you. Slowly you will find that your wife has more love for you, and the family will gradually become more harmonious. The tragedy that was destined to happen It won’t happen. This is called “Situations change with your mind.” If your mind changes, the atmosphere and environment of your home will also change accordingly. Turn violence into peace, turn worries into Bodhi, “All things are created by the mind.” “Well! After you leave here, you should get closer to good friends. You can show up to teach your friends from the past that they should also follow the right path. In your spare time, you should go deep into the scriptures and increase your own wisdom. Usually when you go out, you may go for a walk or drive. , stop chatting and let the name of “Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva” always rise in your heart and fill your ears. In today’s highly competitive society, do not seek huge profits or obtain ill-gotten wealth. You must know that harming others is like harm. Already. From now on, you will never do anything that disappoints your conscience. You should pay the national taxes truthfully and on time. This will benefit the country and the people. Your factory will definitely be in an invincible position in the business world.

This is the Buddhist Dharma that I teach you when you worship me as your teacher. If you follow it and practice it, you will be a true disciple of the Buddha. You will be protected by heavenly dragons and blessed by bodhisattvas. If you do not abide by the precepts, even if you have the refuge certificate, you are not a disciple of Buddhism. You will not receive the blessing of the Buddha now and will fall into the evil paths in the future. do you understand? “

Boss Jin had been respectfully listening to Master’s teachings and listened to Old Monk Miaofa’s question. He hurriedly replied: “I understand, Master! I don’t smoke, drink, or even drink tea. From today on, I will eat chicken, duck, and fish.” Quit it all…”

There is no need to tell the rest of the story. Now Boss Jin has a harmonious family and busy factory business, and he has become a real Boss Jin.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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