Buddhism changed me

This is Jushi Li’s real experience. Let’s listen to what she has to say:

My name is Li Minhui. Although I am only in my early 30s, my life of suffering has made me feel helpless and disappointed. It was not until I encountered Buddhism that my life changed like never before.

My mother gave birth to 10 children. Due to difficulties in life, the eighth child was given away to be raised after she was born. I am the third child. My father passed away early, and I was forced to drop out of school when I was in the third grade of elementary school. I worked as a nanny and a working girl. Later, due to an opportunity, coupled with my unwillingness to admit defeat and perseverance, I ran a company with considerable income. I met my current husband when I was nineteen years old. Because our family backgrounds were very different and I had to take care of my younger siblings and other reasons, I lived with my husband for eight years before we officially got married in 2002. During this period, I did something that I regretted very much, which was that I was unable to officially register the marriage due to the objections of both parents, and had an abortion. It was that miscarriage that caused me to be infertile for many years. After we got married, we always wanted to have a child. We saw many doctors and tried every method, but we couldn’t achieve our wish. Later we adopted two girls (two sisters).

Before encountering Buddhism, I often lost myself due to worries. Every day when I was about to go home after get off work, I didn’t know whether to go back or not. I walked in circles downstairs of my house, holding the steering wheel in my hand but not knowing where the direction was? In order to make up for the emptiness and helplessness in my heart, I changed five cars in five years, squandering and squandering constantly, and my heart was very confused. I often complain that even though I am a good person, I am not getting good rewards and instead face too many difficulties: my family is on the verge of being broken up; the company I have worked so hard to run has been taken away by others; and my sisters are not sensible. , always getting into trouble. In short, life is a mess, and I am suffering from pain every day.

Once, I saw a book called “Modern Cause and Effect Record” in a friend’s car. The cause and effect stories and teachings in the book made me wake up from a dream, and my life had a direction. So I immediately stopped eating meat. I even felt nauseated when I saw meat. I used to seek medical advice everywhere and took medicine. After I stopped eating meat, I no longer needed to take medicine. On the contrary, I felt much more relaxed. I no longer spent money frivolously and spent the money I had saved. Money helps those in greater need.

In October 2007, I had the honor to meet Lay Buddhist Guoqing. He was very approachable. When I saw him, I felt like I was meeting my own relatives. I told him my experience and pain, and while Lay Buddhist Guoqing spoke to everyone, I listened quietly, and something incredible happened. I was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, and suddenly I felt as if I had fallen into a chicken coop. There were many chickens in it, dirty and smelly, as if I was also a chicken. I was shaking all over and then started vomiting non-stop, but I didn’t even know it. Several friends present were shocked and rushed to help me and help me clean up the mess. When I turned around, I had no idea what had just happened. This scene made me feel very strange as I had just come into contact with Buddhism. At the same time, it also increased the confidence of the friends present. I immediately remembered that because I wanted to get pregnant and needed to replenish my body, I had eaten a chicken every day for a long time. It was really karma that followed me like a shadow.

Since the above-mentioned incredible thing happened, I started reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra, worshiping Buddha, and sometimes meditating. Once I sat for eight hours. My life slowly started to take a turn for the better, things started to go smoothly, and a sister who ran away from home also came back. I am the breadwinner of my brothers and sisters. The company is gone, and I still have a fashion store, which I neglected to run before. After encountering Buddhism, I re-planned the fashion store, and the business gradually prospered. I think the biggest gain is the peace of mind. I am no longer so persistent. In the past, I held on to things that did not belong to me, which made me physically and mentally exhausted. Now I know how to let go, and I no longer hold on to what I have lost. , I feel much more relaxed all of a sudden, and my relationship with my husband has also improved. I plan to go to the provincial hospital for in vitro fertilization at the end of December 2007. Because I understand the principle of cause and effect, I can learn to resolve worries when I have them. Something even more amazing happened next.

Half a month before the Spring Festival in 2008, I had a dream: In a room, there was a man wearing a yellow robe, with a bare head and his whole body shining. Two ordinary people were kneeling in front of him. One of them did not know what to say. After saying something, I was kicked out. The other person was me. The person with the whole body shining said to me: “What do you want from me?” I said: “I want my own child,” he said “Okay, I will grant it to you. But there is one condition, that is, you will become my official disciple after you turn 50.” I said, “Okay,” and then I woke up.

After that, my body seemed to have undergone subtle changes. I stopped taking the medicine for half a year, and I have been vegetarian for more than half a year. Something wonderful happened, I finally got pregnant! It was really unbelievable to me. I went to the hospital for two B-ultrasounds in a row, which confirmed that I was indeed pregnant.

After I became pregnant, although my body reacted greatly, my mood was extremely joyful. I am grateful to the Dharma and the blessings of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas for guiding me to the path of learning Buddhism with righteous faith. The Dharma has really benefited me a lot.

Tip: The “Za Agama Sutra” says that the Buddha is a great medical king who is good at treating the diseases of all living beings: “The World-Honored One told the monks that there are four methods of achievement, which are called the ‘Great Medical King’. The equipment of the king, the king What are the four? First, good knowledge of the disease. Second, good knowledge of the cause of the disease. Third, good knowledge of the treatment of the disease. Fourth, good knowledge of the treatment of the disease, it will not occur again. …Tathagata, Ying, etc. are right. I feel that I am a great medical king. I have achieved the four virtues. I am curing all diseases. This is also the case.”

All living beings are struggling hard in the vast sea of karma, with no way to practice and no way to escape. If we can sincerely take refuge in the Three Jewels, firmly believe in cause and effect without any doubt, be firm in the Tao and never turn back, and practice strictly in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings, we will surely be able to overcome all doubts and find no way out, and we will be able to overcome all the doubts and find a bright future in every village. This is also called “The sea of suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore.”

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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