Can I buy Laughing Buddha for myself?

For me, I purchased Buddha statues and Bodhisattvas for myself and then set up a Buddhist hall in my home to offer offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Therefore, it is possible for individuals to purchase a Laughing Buddha for themselves. The Laughing Buddha is a fat bodhisattva with a large belly who laughs loudly. bu dai monk. Maitreya.

The Laughing Buddha is a fat bodhisattva with a big belly who laughs loudly
Namo Maitreya Buddha

We can recite: Namo Maitreya Buddha will be reborn next time Bodhisattva Mahasattva, or Namo Maitreya Buddha. May the laughing Buddha bless us.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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