New life path

When I was sorting out my bookcase, I suddenly found a copy of a report letter written by an old medical worker who was suffering from advanced liver cancer (he only knew it was liver disease) in 1994 to Master Xuanhua after he recovered from practicing Buddhism. After re-reading it again, I felt that it […]

How to perform Buddha light bath

When you feel tired, sit quietly and visualize yourself sitting on a lotus, opening the pores of your body and receiving the bath of Buddha’s light. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas care for us better than our parents. Not only will they not blame us, but they will also be happy. Because we think of Buddha when […]

Master Miaocheng

Someone recently asked me what “no-self” is and how to get rid of “self”. Because I have not achieved this state myself, it is difficult for me to answer the question satisfactorily No self The Buddha taught us: “If you want to end all suffering, you should observe contentment. The method of contentment is the […]

Gossip about vegetarianism

People often ask about the small variety of vegetarian food and the taste is monotonous. They don’t know how to cook without meat. They also say that since Buddhists are vegetarians, they buy fake chicken, duck, fish and other imitation vegetarian food, and eat fake food shyly. It’s better to be honest and open-minded, which […]

Beautify one’s appearance

One day in the autumn of 2001, an old layman brought a woman about thirty years old who looked a little haggard. She knelt in front of the old monk Miaofa and cried about her misfortune. She seemed to have forgotten that there were more than twenty people present in the living room. ill-fated Master, […]

The origin of babies crying

How does Buddhism view the act of eating meat? If you listen to this true story, you might gain a new perspective on eating meat. The newborn baby of a Taiwanese boss was punished by life in the sea because the family often ate seafood. He kept crying and the hospital couldn’t figure out the […]

Good and evil are rewarded

I suddenly remembered a story about rescuing animals and harming animals, and decided to add it in so that beginners can have a clear understanding. It was the winter of the second year after I became a master. At that time, the old monk Miaofa was staying at my house. One day my aunt called […]

How to keep away mosquitoes without killing animals?

Question: Can I kill mosquitoes, flies, ants, cockroaches, woodlice, etc. if I find them in my home? What should I do if I can’t? Answer: The Buddha taught in the Brahma Net Sutra: “Anything with a destiny must not be killed intentionally.” Therefore, any person with a destiny cannot kill it. So what should we […]

Ignorance spreads ignorance

Question: I bought a Guanyin statue half a month ago and spent another 20 yuan to consecrate it. He took it home happily. Who would have thought that when a Buddhist friend asked me that I had brought the Buddha statue into my house after 11 o’clock at noon, he told me with a blank […]

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