flying wings

The following is a true story of a friend of mine who survived a desperate situation after practicing Buddhism. Let’s listen to her confession: September 2006 was a difficult time in my life. Due to long-term physical discomfort, after examination at the cancer hospital, I was diagnosed with poorly differentiated and highly malignant breast cancer, […]

Great prenatal education

Children and parents have a close relationship that is inspired by deep karma. During pregnancy, mother and child are truly connected by flesh and blood. This mother: Xue Ting is a performer in a provincial folk orchestra. During her pregnancy, she received the education of her unborn baby and began to believe in Buddhism and […]

Buddhists cannot eat eggs

Many Buddhist disciples have given up eating meat for many years, but they still eat eggs, duck eggs, etc. So, should Buddhist disciples eat these eggs? Let me tell you a true story first:The story of women eating eggs At a Dharma conference, lay practitioner Chen brought her colleague Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin is about […]

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