How to perform Buddha light bath

When you feel tired, sit quietly and visualize yourself sitting on a lotus, opening the pores of your body and receiving the bath of Buddha’s light. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas care for us better than our parents. Not only will they not blame us, but they will also be happy. Because we think of Buddha when we feel suffering. The reason why Buddha emits light is to benefit all beings.

Collecting qi is stealing qi

Question: I often participate in Daqi, such as Ksitigarbha Daqi. I only recite nine parts of the Ksitigarbha Sutra in one day. It is quite hard and I often feel exhausted. Before going to bed at night, I often meditate for half an hour. I use the method of collecting qi when practicing qigong in the past. I use the essence of qi in nature, such as the essence of forests, oceans, parks, flower gardens, etc. I have seen, to replenish my body. The Qi in my Dantian that I have consumed due to reciting sutras too much has a certain effect. But some people say that collecting qi like this is stealing qi and is an act of theft. In the future, you will not be able to leave the three realms. Is this statement right?

Harvests the essence of flowers

Answer: Right. The method of qigong to collect qi is not advisable to those who follow Buddhism. The Ksitigarbha Sutra says that taking something without giving it is sinful. When qigong became popular in the late 1980s, I also practiced qigong for a period and used the above methods to collect qi and replenish myself. It felt pretty good at first. One night when I was practicing Qigong, I suddenly thought of the lush flowers in my yard, and suddenly felt the “qi” flowing through my body. I was very happy at the time, but the next morning I found that all the dozens of pots of flowers in the yard were wilted. There are large pots of orange trees, rubber trees, blooming rhododendrons, etc. I was so distressed that I burst into tears, and I immediately realized that it was my “qi collection” that had caused harm to them. So I immediately thought of giving my energy back to them. While saying to them, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that ‘qi collection’ can hurt you. Please forgive me. Now I will return your “qi” to you and give you all the “qi” of my Dantian. , I hope you will recover soon.” I said as I walked around all the flowers, tears falling on the flowers and leaves, until I felt exhausted, I believed they would be able to recover, because I Not only did I “return” my anger, but I also gave all my “energy” to them. Unexpectedly, the next day was even worse. I expressed my anger again to save them, and I was so sad that I burst into tears.

Flowers farewell

I got up on the third morning and prepared to go to the yard to check. As soon as I opened the door, a strong fragrance of flowers hit my face. This was a fragrance I had never smelled before. The moment I felt in my mind was “flowers”. Dead! They forgave me and said goodbye to me.” I hurriedly stepped out to see the flowers and burst into tears.

My wife and two children heard the sound and ran out of the house in a hurry. When they saw me kneeling in front of the flowers with tears streaming down my face, they were too sad to speak. Suddenly my daughter said to me: “Dad, these flowers all look like boys and girls, and they are all wearing clothes worn by children in ancient times. They asked me to tell you not to be sad. They don’t hate you at all, but please say something.” “Where are you telling them to go?” I didn’t understand what my daughter said: “Where are they going?” My daughter said, after they die, they will be reincarnated. Wherever you want them to go, they can go with your words. . “I replied casually, “Then let’s go to the Dragon Palace” – maybe I said this because I just watched the TV series “Journey to the West” not long ago. My daughter said, “They thanked you and left.” “At that time, I had not yet come into contact with Buddhism and did not understand the six realms of reincarnation at all. It was not until I understood it a few years later that I recited the Great Compassion Mantra specifically for those flowers to be saved.

Flowers, plants and trees all have spiritual consciousness

This incident deeply taught me that I would never dare to hurt flowers, plants and trees again, whether they have spiritual consciousness themselves or spiritual consciousness is attached to flowers, plants and trees. In short, I know that they are alive. Isn’t our human consciousness also “temporarily” attached to this impermanent prosthesis?

Later, after I read the Buddhist scriptures, I learned that the Buddha’s light shines all over the dharma realm, but we can’t see it with our naked eyes. When you feel tired again, sit quietly and visualize yourself sitting on a lotus flower, open the pores of your body, and receive the bath of Buddha’s light. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas care for us better than our parents. Not only will they not blame us, they will also be happy. Because we think of Buddha when we feel suffering. The reason why Buddha emits light is to benefit all sentient beings.

You will know the feeling of bathing in Buddha’s light after you try it yourself.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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