Reincarnation of evil destiny

Qin Jushi has been clever and good-looking since he was a child. He has become a famous hairdresser in the city at a young age. After the reform and opening up, she opened a hair salon of her own, which has now developed into a large-scale beauty salon.

layman Qin is particularly filial to his mother. When my mother was dying, she knelt on the cement floor in front of her bed for eight hours, chanting the Buddha’s name non-stop. She was so moved that more than a dozen members of the family knelt down and chanted the Buddha’s name. Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison: “Oh, I saw Guanyin Bodhisattva!” At the same time, a strange fragrance filled the single ward, which was refreshing. At the same time, everyone saw Guanyin Bodhisattva descending on the upper right side of his mother’s hospital bed. Only layman Qin saw his mother smiling and flying into the air, and heard the sound of Buddhist music. The whole family was extremely excited for a moment, and then they saw that my mother had passed away with a smile on her face. From then on, the whole family believed in Buddhism.


It was this kind and pious layman Qin who asked me several times to help her contact the monks. From the conversation, I learned that the reason why she wanted to become a monk was because she had no relationship with her husband, and they often quarreled, and her husband sometimes beat her. I always explain that she cannot become a monk to escape reality, not to mention that she has an underage daughter who needs to be taken care of and nurtured. One night not long ago, she suddenly called me crying and said that she had been staying at her brother’s house for three days because of a quarrel with her husband, and now she wanted to see me right away, otherwise she would not live.

As soon as they met, layman Qin burst into tears:

The three-bedroom unit I live in now was bought half a year ago, and the purchase price of 400,000 yuan was all my earnings. After I selected a house with my husband, I gave him my passbook because of my busy business, and he went to handle the house purchase procedures. Soon we got the keys to our new house. I thought that after half a lifetime of suffering, I finally had a house I wanted, but I never expected that three days ago, after he came home late at night, he said to me: “Prepare 200,000 yuan in cash tomorrow, and get it back the day after tomorrow at the latest, otherwise we will move.” .”

I was stunned. Seeing that he was serious, I asked, “Didn’t we spend 400,000 yuan to buy the house? Why do we still need 200,000 yuan?” When he saw me asking, he shouted loudly: “I only paid 200,000 yuan.” , and I applied for a loan in the bank for ten years, and the loan was 200,000 yuan. I used the money I saved to speculate in stocks. I wanted to make money, but I didn’t expect to lose it all. In order to get it back, I used this new house as a mortgage, and I borrowed 200,000 yuan from stock traders, but I lost all of it. Now they want money, and if they can’t get the money, they will move me!”

After hearing this, I was really shocked and blamed him for stock trading. Why didn’t he discuss it with me in advance? Unexpectedly, he not only refused to admit his mistake, but also hit me (she showed me the bruises on her arms as she spoke).

She cried and said, “I really can’t live this life! Even if I owe him money in my previous life, I have endured hardships for nearly 20 years. I earned all the food, shelter, and food at home. How can I still not pay him back?” Debt? If I pay back the money now, my beauty salon will have to close; if I pay the debt, the house will have to be given to others. I really can’t figure it out! I just want you to call Master Miaofa and ask the cause and effect, even if you die, you will die. I understand!” Master Qin couldn’t help crying.

After the mood calmed down a little, lay practitioner Qin told me the story of her marriage to her husband.

Qin Jushi said: “My younger brother went to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution. Later, many people tried their best to be transferred back. My mother also took me to the bureau chief’s house to socialize. When the bureau chief’s wife saw me, she seemed very enthusiastic, asked me about my shortcomings, and I mobilized my husband to help my family. Later, my mother went to the director’s house alone, and my brother returned to the city soon. At this time, my mother arranged for me to meet the director’s son. Of course I was not happy that my mother took my It was a life-long event, but my brother had been transferred back after all, so I agreed to meet him. After meeting, neither of us could find anything to say, and we had no feelings at all. But I thought he looked pretty gentle, and he was a good person. As a government cadre who graduated from university, I didn’t dislike it at all. With my mother’s repeated guidance, I finally agreed to the marriage quickly, and my brother immediately got a satisfactory job.

Unexpectedly, on the first night of the wedding, I found that when the groom was taking off his clothes and going to bed, he dropped a lot of white debris from his body. I took a closer look and almost vomited in disgust: the man who had become my husband had fish-like skin diseases all over his body except his face, neck and hands. I was stunned and tears streamed down my face. Think about it, how should I face my future life? If I were a woman now, I would definitely run away from the door! However, I did not dare to face my mother’s tears, my brother’s future, and society’s comments. I resigned myself to my fate. At this time, I suddenly understood the reason why the director’s family, who were not related to us, were so enthusiastic to help my family. They ruined my life for the sake of their own son!

Later, I persuaded him to seek treatment. He said that treatment had failed before and he did not want to embarrass himself. I bought him a lot of medicine, but nothing improved. I urged him to go to the hospital again, but he beat me and scolded me. To make matters worse, I couldn’t sleep with him. Whenever he came near me, I felt so sick that I almost vomited. Maybe this also hurt his self-esteem, so he became violent to me. I was heartbroken. Not many days after our marriage, we separated and lived in separate rooms. Later I got pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. What’s especially puzzling is that as a highly educated person who was born into a high-ranking family, he doesn’t even have basic hygiene habits. Used dishes and chopsticks, leftover food, and worn clothes are thrown around; the shoes and socks that have been taken off are thrown away wherever they are taken off. It has not changed in more than ten years. If you don’t urge him, he won’t even take a bath. As long as I expressed dissatisfaction with his bad habits, I would get punched. In the eyes of outsiders, we are talented and beautiful, and come from a well-off family. Who knew I was smiling on my face and crying in my heart.

Once I went to Qingdao for a business trip and stayed in a hotel by the sea. At night, I lay in a comfortable room, listening to the sound of waves. In this romantic environment, I couldn’t help but think of my own destiny. My pillow was wet with tears, and I couldn’t sleep. I blame God for why it is so unfair to let me marry such a disgusting man. Is this what people often call fate? Suddenly, I remembered the legendary Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of the South China Sea. People say that she is very compassionate and can save those who are suffering. Can she help me? Why is my life so miserable? The sound of waves outside the window seemed to give me hope. I got out of bed, put on my coat and walked out of the hotel to the beach. It was late at night and there was no one on the beach. I stared at the starry night sky and felt like crying… Suddenly, I vaguely saw Guanyin Bodhisattva standing at the junction of the sea and the sky, stepping on a fish. Grief, resentment, and hope all rushed into my heart, and I knelt down on the beach. On the bed, I looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva from a distance and cried loudly. How I wish she could pull me out of the sea of suffering! Later I got to know you and converted to Buddhism. Maybe it was the inspiration I prayed for that day. However, my reciting sutras and worshiping Buddha did not change the current situation of my marriage. How much debt did I owe him in my previous life, and how could I not pay it off? I heard that Factory Director Jin’s family problems were solved by Master Miaofa. Can you ask for me? Otherwise, I really don’t want to live anymore!

After listening to Jushi Qin’s heart-wrenching cry and looking at her desperate expression, I couldn’t believe that bad luck would befall such a kind, filial and capable woman, and I couldn’t find any words to comfort her. I had to urgently call Master for help again.

By pressing the speaker, everyone can hear the teachings of the old monk Miaofa:

About a hundred years ago, in a small town, a man and his only young daughter made a living by opening a small restaurant. The girl’s mother has died of illness, and the boss is afraid that his daughter will be wronged and never renew the relationship. One day the boss went out and found an abandoned little boy of five or six years old on his way back. He calculated in his mind that he would be able to feed the child with the leftover food from the restaurant customers every day. This would not only save his life, but also make him a free long-term worker when he grows up. It really killed two birds with one stone. So he built a bunk with wooden planks and thatch in his livestock shed and took in the boy. This child survived by helping wash the dishes, sweeping the floor, and eating scraps every day. In the eyes of the boss and his daughter, the child is just a talking animal. Even if he has a headache, fever, mosquito bites, and insect bites, he is left to fend for himself. Finally, this child was lucky enough to grow up. But because no one has treated him as a human being since he was a child, except for instructing him to do the dirtiest and most tiring work, few people talk to him. When he encounters something that doesn’t go his way, they take it out on him, hitting or scolding him, which makes him less He is taciturn and dull-witted, and others regard him as insincere.

Later, when her daughter reached the age of marriage, the boss wanted to recruit a son-in-law as his wife, but he was also afraid that his family property would be occupied by his son-in-law after his death. Therefore, although there were proposals for marriage, he refused to marry his daughter. One day, he suddenly had an idea and decided to work as a long-term worker. If the daughter marries a long-term worker, he is actually just his daughter’s tamed slave, so the family property will not fall into the hands of outsiders. So, the “smart” boss arranged a foolproof marriage for his daughter. Although the daughter obeyed her father’s orders, she naturally refused to sleep with the stupid and dirty “husband” and lived a ridiculous life of cheating all her life. Long-term workers spend their lives in humiliation, fatigue, and filth.

The daughter in the story is the current layman Qin, and the long-term worker is the husband of the layman Qin. His bad living habits were developed from living in a cattle shed in his previous life. The skin diseases on the body are caused by mosquito bites in previous lives and living in dirty environment for a long time. As the saying goes: Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner. It’s not that I won’t report it, the time has not come yet. This is the reason for Qin’s painful marriage in his past life. The long-term worker in the previous life worked for the master for a whole life and did not receive a penny of wages. In this life, she came to collect debts. The beatings and scolding of Qin Jushi were also the result of beating and scolding the long-term worker in her previous life. As for the life of husband and wife in this life, it was also the result of the previous life. Reprint…

“If you want to know the cause of the past life, you will receive the result in this life.” The so-called “fate” is destined. The cause of the past life is destined to receive the retribution in this life, while “luck” is flexible. Most of the evil deeds of Qin laymen in their previous lives were influenced by their fathers since childhood. In this life, she respects her parents, is kind-hearted, loves to hear Buddhism, and converts to Buddhism, eating fast and chanting Buddha’s name. Only the Dharma can help her settle old debts. Therefore, after Master Qin understands the karma of his past life, please stop being resentful and disgusted with your current husband. We must seize the opportunities in this life, sincerely repent of past sins, repent more of the past, and talk less about people’s mistakes. You will surely turn misfortune into good fortune and adversity into good fortune! We should also recite the Ksitigarbha Sutra and Pumenpin more often and dedicate it to the long-term workers in previous lives. I believe that the husband of layman Qin will definitely change.

After I pressed the speaker, I looked up and saw layman Qin sitting there quietly. The rain had long since passed and the sky had cleared up.

More than half a year later, Master Qin called twice. One time she asked for some Buddhist books; another time she said she was very busy with business and would come see me when she had time. She sounded in a good mood. I breathed a long sigh of relief and sincerely hoped that the couple could resolve their feud as soon as possible, have a harmonious family, and overcome the difficulties together.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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