Why is Budai so popular?

Maitreya Buddha is a Budai monk. Qici monk., also known as “Ajita Bodhisattva”, which means “invincible”. Maitreya Bodhisattva now lives in the inner courtyard of Tusita Heaven. After four thousand years (equivalent to 5.6 billion years of the earth), he came to the world and became a Buddha under the Longhua tree in Hualin Garden. […]

why is budai fat

Maitreya Buddha is also known as Budai monk, and this monk is Ajita, also known as Maitreya Bodhisattva. Maitreya Buddha exists in history. The Maitreya Buddha statues in China are all modeled after the “fat image” of the Budai monk. Maitreya Bodhisattva more than two thousand years ago More than two thousand years ago, when […]

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