The power of repentance

Each of us sentient beings has unknowingly committed a lot of bad karma, causing the mani orb of our own nature to be contaminated with a lot of dust and dirt. The shield of ignorance prevents us from seeing the light of our nature. This requires a certain method to clean up the dirt, and […]

Buddhists cannot eat eggs

Many Buddhist disciples have given up eating meat for many years, but they still eat eggs, duck eggs, etc. So, should Buddhist disciples eat these eggs? Let me tell you a true story first:The story of women eating eggs At a Dharma conference, lay practitioner Chen brought her colleague Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin is about […]

The amazing story of releasing animals

Nagarjuna Bodhisattva said in “The Great Wisdom”: “If a person cultivates all kinds of merits, but does not refrain from killing living beings, it will be of no benefit. Why? Even if he is born in a wealthy place, he is powerful and has no life span, who can enjoy this happiness? ? Therefore, we […]

What is the way to change your destiny?

People’s destiny can be changed, and people can completely change their destiny and control their own future through the correct methods. Mr. Yuan Liaofan, a Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty, wrote his personal practical experience into the “Four Lessons from Liaofan”, which inspired countless future generations to use the correct Buddhist methods to change their […]

Good and evil thoughts in Buddhism

The Buddha said in the “Eight Great Enlightenment Sutras”: “The heart is the source of evil, and the form is the trough of sin.” The “Sutra of Forty-Two Chapters” says: “The heart is the cause of merit. If the cause of merit is stopped, all those who follow it will cease. “Good thoughts and evil […]

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