The story of benefiting others is benefiting oneself

When I first started working, I always wanted to do something that could truly benefit others, but due to the dominance of greed, anger, ignorance, pride, and selfishness, this matter was delayed for a long time. It was not until one day five years later that I resigned from my job in a state-owned unit and started to engage in the traditional Chinese medicine business passed down by my family, that I made up my mind to complete this matter successfully. So, I came to the Municipal Charity Foundation. This special experience completely changed my outlook on life.

The staff of the foundation enthusiastically introduced many children in need of help. In front of a lot of information about poor children, there was a photo of a little girl that deeply attracted me. The girl had a look of grievance on her face, and her eyes were filled with tears. The family introduction at the bottom of the photo read: Cai Lingling’s father has been bedridden for a long time since January 2000, suffering from severe kidney disease, and both kidneys have been damaged. All are necrotic, and a kidney transplant has been performed. The medical expenses are about 200,000 yuan. Currently, he is still in the medication stage. The monthly medical expenses are several thousand yuan. The children’s tuition is in short supply. The family lives in poverty. I hope that kindhearted people will Give help.

On the back of the information, the little girl Cai Lingling, who is about to enter the second grade of primary school, expressed her wish: “Because my father is sick and the family conditions are very poor, please kind uncles and aunts help me. I want to be admitted to college when I grow up. Be a good doctor and make many sick people healthy, happy and happy.”

The day after completing the student aid procedures, I called Lingling’s home phone number. The person who answered the phone was Lingling’s father. He described his illness in a feeble and low voice. The doctor had sentenced him to a “death penalty” and he could only live for a year at most. Now he lay in bed every day waiting for the day when his life would end. . On the phone, I encouraged Lingling’s father to cheer up. A man who has just turned 30 should work hard in his career. As long as he doesn’t give up on himself, I believe he will be able to overcome the difficulties. Starting from today, we must resolve to stop eating all meat, eat vegetarian food, recite the name of the Buddha “Namo Amitabha”, dedicate it to all sentient beings who have harmed us in the past, and repent for the bad karma we have created in the past. Don’t be bedridden every day. You can go to the ground to move around appropriately.

Three months later, I had another phone call with Lingling’s father. The voice on the other end of the phone had become powerful and excited: “Thank you so much. Buddhism is really good. I have slowly regained some strength now.” , I can do some simple housework, and I no longer have my family to worry about…” In order to strengthen the confidence of Lingling’s father, in addition to writing regular letters to encourage him to overcome the disease, I also successively sent “Record of Modern Cause and Effect”, Books such as “The Story of Quitting Killing and Release of Animals”, “The Benefits of Vegetarian Food” and a Buddhist chanting machine hope that he can truly understand the principles of cause and effect and learn Buddhism better.

It has been more than five years now, and Lingling’s father’s physical condition has stabilized. He insists on eating vegetarian, practicing Buddhism, chanting the name “Namo Amitabha” every day, and reciting the Great Compassion Mantra 5 to 21 times a day. In one letter, he told me that he had found a stable job with a low income but could still support his family, so he hoped that I would stop donating to my daughter Lingling and use the money for families in more need. Lingling was also admitted to the district’s key middle school with excellent results and became an outstanding middle school student. The whole family enjoyed themselves and lived a happy life.

It is really a miracle that a patient who was judged by the hospital to live for a year at most can make it to this day! The Dharma is really wonderful, thank you for the power of the Dharma!

This experience helped me learn a lot: I didn’t know how to cherish my blessings before, and wasted money. I preferred to wear brand-name clothes, eat exquisite food, buy high-end supplies, and only cared about my own material enjoyment. Now that I think about it, I feel really ashamed. If this money is used rationally and economically, it can help several families in need solve their living problems. Instead of adding to the cake yourself, it is better to provide help in times of trouble for others, and donate the money you usually save to living beings in need. This will not only make the recipients happy, but you will also be sincerely happy.

A wise man once said: “All happiness in the world comes from altruism, and all suffering in the world comes from self-interest.” In fact, only benefiting others can truly benefit yourself. At this point, I understand the value of life, clarify the goal of struggle, and feel more fulfilled than ever before. The joy that this enrichment brings cannot be measured in money, nor can it be expressed in words. Just like when a person drinks water, he knows whether it is hot or cold. Readers who are destined to do so should not hesitate any longer and experience this altruistic happiness in practice!

Tip: “The Mahaparinibbāna Sutra Volume 25? The Light Illuminating the Noble Virtuous King Bodhisattva, the 10th and 5th Grade” teaches: “There is no point in achieving Nirvana without the four dharmas. What are the four? One is to be close to good friends. The second is to listen to the Dharma attentively. The third is to meditate on it. The fourth is to practice according to the Dharma. Good man, for example, if a person encounters many diseases, such as hot or cold, fatigue, malaria, and poisons from evil ghosts, go to a good doctor. A good doctor will He prescribes medicine according to the disease. He is a sincere person who accepts medical teachings. He combines the medicine according to the teachings and takes it according to the Dharma. After taking it, the disease is cured and the body feels peaceful.” Lingling’s father can get the help of good teachers and get close to the Dharma, so that he can The illness has turned from danger to safety, which once again proves that Buddhism is praised by the great medical king. All kinds of people and all kinds of diseases, when you have the chance to get close to Buddhism and correct your mistakes, you can change your destiny, seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Benefiting others is benefiting oneself, harming others is harming oneself. This is the iron law of cause and effect. Every Buddhist disciple should develop bodhicitta and save all sentient beings with the wisdom of Buddhism. Only then can he achieve Buddhahood. I hope that all people in the world will practice together.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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