What is a good example of causality?

a rich man

During the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty in China, there was a rich man named Jin Buyi in Yingtian Mansion. This man was born in poverty and saw all kinds of things in the world when he was young. Therefore, he had his own set of rules for doing business. No matter who he was doing business with, he could make the other person feel comfortable. Comfortable, relying on this ability, he quickly accumulated astonishing wealth.

Rich man has no children

It is said that every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the golden millionaire is no exception. When he was young, his brothers and sisters starved to death due to poverty, leaving him alone in the world. After getting married, he vowed to have more children for his family. The Jin family continues its incense.

God always likes to joke with people. The golden rich man married a wife and three concubines in two years. No matter how hard he tried, their stomachs just didn’t move.

This made the rich man extremely anxious. They said that there are three types of unfilial piety, the worst of which is not having an heir. If his family’s incest was cut off by him, he would not have the face to see his parents.

See a doctor

In order to have a child of his own, he invited all the famous doctors in Yingtian Mansion to his home. This was not enough. He even paid a lot of money to invite imperial doctors from the palace. However, their diagnosis results were very consistent. The golden rich man and his women were in very good health and should not be unable to have children.

Seek medical treatment from a practitioner

Seeing that the doctor had no hope, the golden rich man began to place his hopes on those spiritual healers. He announced that anyone who could invite an expert to his home would be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold.

After the words were released, as many people came to the golden rich man’s house as the Qing across the river, but it still had no effect. Instead, there were many liars among them, which made him furious.

A month later, the golden millionaire, who was disappointed with the master, decided to go out for a walk. Full of injustice, the golden millionaire walked farther and farther, eventually arriving at Jiming Temple outside the city.

Rich man offers incense to Buddha

Meet the old monk

The golden rich man asked the master for advice. The monk said that the golden rich man’s hall was darkened and his anger was stagnant in his chest. If things continued like this, it might be detrimental to him.

The golden millionaire was shocked after hearing this and asked the old monk how to solve the problem. The old monk smiled and asked the golden millionaire what difficulties he had encountered recently.

Explain the reason to the old monk

With a face full of compassion, the golden millionaire could no longer hold back and recounted the pains he had endured over the years to have a child. He was so deeply moved that he even shed a few drops of manly tears.

Upon seeing this, the old monk quickly comforted him. He told the golden millionaire that the problem was easily resolved. The golden millionaire raised his head and looked at the old monk expectantly.

The cause and effect lies with the rich man

Seeing that the time had come, the old monk told the golden rich man that he needed to atone for his evil actions from twenty years ago, otherwise, there would never be peace.

After hearing this, the golden millionaire was shocked. It had been so long since that incident. How could anyone still remember the identity of the old monk in front of him?

The rich man worked as a groom when he was young

Twenty years ago, the golden millionaire was a poor boy who often didn’t even have enough to eat. At that time, he worked as a groom for a family named Zhao.

The Zhao family was ambushed by their enemies

The Zhao family has a profound background and a big tree that attracts many enemies. During a business trip, they were ambushed by the enemies and suffered heavy losses. However, the golden millionaire who accompanied the team escaped due to his courtesy.

Upon his return, the head of the Zhao family had only one breath left. He told the golden millionaire that all the treasures of the Zhao family were available to him, but he had an illegitimate son who was wandering outside, and he hoped that the golden millionaire would help find it.

Just as the golden millionaire nodded in agreement, the head of the Zhao family died.

The golden tycoon begins to make a fortune

After that day, the golden millionaire relied on the treasures of the Zhao family and his own strategies to rise and become one of the richest men in Yingtian Mansion. However, the orphan of the Zhao family could not be found.

Give up looking for other people’s children

Three years ago, the person he sent out to search never came back. In anger, he decided to stop looking.

The old monk is the guard of the Zhao family

After hearing this, the old monk said that was it. He told the golden millionaire that he was the personal guard of the head of the Zhao family. He only failed to protect the head of the family because he went home to visit relatives that day. After finding the orphan of the Zhao family, he took him to become a monk. Monk, relieve the troubles of the world.

After hearing this, the golden millionaire was shocked and asked the old monk to invite the orphan of the Zhao family to meet him. After the meeting, the golden millionaire burst into tears. He didn’t expect that the person he had been looking for for so many years was by his side.

He told the young monk in front of him that as long as he wanted, he could give back all his family wealth. All he wanted was his children.

The monk smiled slightly and said that he had heard a lot about the good deeds that the golden millionaire had done over the years. The Zhao family’s money was used in the right place. He had forgiven the golden millionaire so that he wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore.

The rich man has his own child

The golden rich man quickly bowed and thanked him. When he stood up, he found that the two monks were no longer in front of him.

After the golden millionaire returned, he once again increased his efforts in doing good. Soon he had his own son and daughter and lived a happy life.

Final words:

A man’s promise is worth a thousand gold pieces. The head of the Zhao family left him alone when he was about to die. This was a big deal for the Zhao family who had been kind to him. However, the rich man broke his oath because he was too troublesome and did not keep his promise. It was considered a kindness not to repay. Fortunately, he woke up in time and made amends before it was too late. By chance, he met the orphan of the Zhao family and gained his forgiveness. This was a happy ending.

Of course, whether he has descendants is related to his virtue, and it is also inseparable from his vigorous deeds of good deeds. If he does more good deeds and has deep merit, he will naturally be able to fulfill his wishes. This is also a good reward for good deeds.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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