What is namo dizang wang pusa

The phrase “Namo dizang wang pusa” is a term of respect for Jizo Wang Bodhisattvas, meaning “to Jizo Wang Bodhisattvas”. This phrase expresses a believer’s respect and faith in Jizo Bodhisattva, and reflects trust in his power of compassion and salvation.

“The phrase “Earth Store King Bodhisattva” refers to this great bodhisattva. The word “Jizo” means that he is in the hells of the underworld, rescuing all living beings who have sunk there. The word “King” represents his supremacy and power in the hells. The word “Bodhisattva” means that he has reached the state of great enlightenment, but because of his great compassion, he has not yet attained perfection and is still in the process of transforming living beings.

Beliefs and faith

“Namo” is the translation of the Sanskrit word “Namo”, which means “conversion” and “salutation”. This means that we should sincerely convert to Jizo Bodhisattva and accept his teachings and refuge.

Compassionate salvation

Jizo Bodhisattva vows to save all sentient beings, especially those souls suffering in hell. This title reminds believers to be compassionate and to help others.

Practicing liberation

Chanting “Namo Jizo Wang Wang Bodhi” helps us to maintain positive thoughts, promote inner peace and purity, and facilitate personal cultivation towards liberation.

Connection and Reliance

The holy name establishes a spiritual connection between us and Jizo Bodhisattva, enabling us to feel supported and comforted in times of trouble.

We convert to Jizo and receive his compassionate teachings. Recognize Jizo Bodhisattva’s position and power of salvation in hell. Learn from Jizo’s great compassionate spirit of not abandoning any living being. Pray for Jizo Bodhisattva’s blessing to help us get out of the sea of suffering and towards liberation.

By saving all sentient beings with compassion, we will ultimately attain Buddhahood together with Jizo Bodhisattva and benefit sentient beings. By reciting this number with all sincerity, we will receive the blessings of Jizo Bodhisattva.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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