What is the fate of bad diseases?

Modern medicine has proven that sexual immorality can cause many diseases in this life, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, AIDS, etc. Buddhism also tells us from the perspective of the six paths of reincarnation that the consequences of sexual immorality are far beyond this life. Here is one: The causes and consequences of evil diseases caused by sexual immorality and examples of how Buddhism can be used to relieve illness.

At a friend’s gathering, there was a pair of young parents with their two-year-old daughter, hoping to get everyone’s help. The parents cried and told of their daughter’s misfortune.

It turns out that although the little girl is only two years old, she has a serious disease that is difficult to cure – malignant tumor. What’s more serious is that after examination, the tumor actually grew in the vagina. This was a shock to the girl’s parents, who couldn’t figure out how a two-year-old could get this disease. What’s even more frightening is that the doctor told me that the only treatment for this disease is surgery, but the success rate of surgery is very low. Without surgery, the disease will become life-threatening if it progresses. For this reason, young parents are very busy and trying every means, not knowing what to do. When the little girl fell ill, she was in extreme pain. She couldn’t live or die, and the whole family fell into infinite grief.

All the lay people and I sympathize with this child who is suffering from illness, and we know even more that this is the manifestation of serious karma: It turns out that although this little girl is only two years old, she has committed serious sexual sins in the past life, not only destroying He raped and killed other people’s families, raping and killing good girls, causing other people’s families to be destroyed. Such a serious crime of sexual immorality and the resentment of the unjust victim made a two-year-old girl suffer from this disease, which was really painful.

I solemnly said to the little girl’s parents: “You should help her repent as soon as possible and recite the 49 “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Original Vow Sutra” to dedicate to her enemies and creditors.” Before I could finish speaking, there was a “plop”, and the little girl The girl knelt in front of the Buddha statue, her eyes showing repentance and hope for survival (even though she could not speak a complete sentence yet). We were all shocked, and her parents were crying secretly beside her. I picked up this thin child with pity, looked at her ignorant but hopeful eyes, and told her that she must repent with her mother in front of the Buddha, ask her mother to say something, she would follow suit, and asked her to make a wish forever. Don’t harm any small animals. At the same time, I also hope that her parents will release more lives for her on the basis of chanting sutras. Dedicate the merits of releasing animals, chanting sutras, and doing some good deeds to the children’s enemies and creditors in order to seek their forgiveness and resolve their grudges.

After returning home, the family of three knelt in front of the Buddha and sincerely repented. The parents chanted sutras to dedicate their lives to the sentient beings that their daughter had harmed in her past life. A miracle happened, and the little girl’s pain eased a lot the next day. As the whole family diligently observed the precepts, chanted Buddha’s name and chanted sutras, the tumor began to shrink day by day. When the neighbors saw the miracles that happened to their children, they also started to learn Buddhism.

I wish their family an early escape from suffering, good health and happiness. As long as they insist on eating vegetarian food, chanting sutras, repenting and reforming, the little girl will definitely recover. Finally, I would like to advise those who engage in sexual misconduct to stop indulging in lust. Doing so will harm others and yourself. Not only will your body be ruined in this life and you will suffer short-lived retribution, but you will also suffer from all kinds of nasty diseases in the next life, and even fall into hell and the animal realm and suffer all kinds of suffering. It’s rare, please cherish it!

Tip: “The Wordless Dharma Sutra of the Mahayana All-Illuminating Light Treasure” says: “Don’t persuade others to do what you don’t want. … If the Bodhisattva Mahasattva protects this Dharma, he is protecting all the precepts and treasures of all Buddhas and Tathagatas. Like all Bodhisattvas, Those who love their lives should not kill them; those who love their wives should not cheat others; those who love themselves should not cheat others; those who love themselves should not be deceitful. Self-love will never give rise to greed; self-love and kindness will never give rise to hatred; self-love and right views will never give rise to wrong views. guard.”

If you do the opposite, you will definitely receive bad retribution in this life or in future lives.

I am Guo Qing, a follower of Sakyamuni's Han Buddhism. I am committed to spreading Mahayana Buddhism to all parts of the world, knowing the cause and effect laws of the world's operation, enlightening the wisdom of Buddhism, and realizing Bodhi together.
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