What is the mantra of Avalokitesvara in Buddhism?
The heart mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva in Buddhism is also called the Six-Character Great Ming Mantra. The mantra is: Om Ma ni Pad Mi Hum. Derived from Sanskrit. It is extremely rich in connotation, infinite in mystery, and supreme, possessing great power, great wisdom, and great compassion in the universe.

Mantra: Om Ma ni Pad Mi Hum
Pinyin: ōng mā nī bēi mēi hòng
Pronunciation notes:
Om: pronounced (ōng), ōm is the correct pronunciation, and you have to close your lips at the end.
Mā: pronounced (mā), the tip of the tongue is slightly rolled downward, the lips are opened from closed to making a plosive sound.
nī: is a retroflex sound. When pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue should be raised to touch the roof of the mouth, and then the nī sound should be released.
Ba: There is a consonant d after bēi, which is omitted in both Chinese and Tibetan; it can be read as “bēi de”, and de is light and short, passing by.
Mi: Other ways of writing mēi are “Mi”; it must be pronounced as mēi, not mī. It is derived from the positional case of the Sanskrit word.
Hum: pronounced as (hōng), and some books also notate it as (hòng); it can be pronounced in one tone or in four tones. You can make your own concentration according to the scene and your wishes. Most of the time, it is pronounced in four tones.
Guanyin Mantra Explanation and Benefits
Om: Symbolizes the wisdom of the deity, belongs to the Zen Paramita, and can eliminate arrogance. It represents the mind of the Buddha, representing the three bodies of Dharma, Retribution, and Transformation. It can also be said to be the Three Vajras (Body Vajra, Speech Vajra, and Mind Vajra), which are the wisdom body, speech, and mind of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Ma: Symbolizes the kindness of the deity, belongs to the Paramita of Patience, and can eliminate jealousy. It means the treasure heart, which is the Mani orb, which is inexhaustible and can be used as desired. Praying to it will naturally bring you spiritual needs and various material wealth.
It: It symbolizes the body, speech, mind, career and merits of the deity, and can eliminate greed. It means the treasure heart, which is the Mani orb, which is inexhaustible and can be used as desired. Praying to it will naturally bring you spiritual needs and various material wealth.
Ba: Symbolizing the great happiness of the deity, it belongs to the paramita of generosity and can eliminate ignorance and delusion. It represents the lotus heart, which is a lotus flower that emerges from the filth without being stained. It means that although modern people are in the reincarnation of the evil world of five turbidities, by reciting this mantra, they can get rid of their worries and achieve purity.
Mi: Symbolizing the great happiness of the deity, it belongs to the paramita of generosity and can eliminate stinginess. It represents the lotus heart, which is a lotus flower that emerges from the filth without being stained. It means that although modern people are in the reincarnation of the evil world of five turbidities, by reciting this mantra, they can get rid of their worries and achieve purity.
Hum: Symbolizing the compassion of the deity, it belongs to the Paramita of Diligence and can eliminate anger. It means the Vajra Heart, which means that the prayers will come true. We must rely on the power of the Buddha to gradually, diligently practice, save all sentient beings, achieve everything, and finally reach the realm of the Buddha.

Buddhist scripture source
This Avalokitesvara mantra has many benefits and merits. It can increase your lifespan, make you rich, gain all the blessings, longevity, and freedom, gain unparalleled eloquence, and possess incomparable power. It is the source of all happiness, the foundation of all benefits and achievements, can lead to liberation, can open all wisdom, can save sentient beings in the six paths, can achieve great bodhi, can save suffering, and provide enough food, clothing, and wealth for all beings.
“Lotus Sutra”
The Lotus Sutra says: “If you uphold the Holy Mantra of Guanyin, you can obtain wealth, food and other benefits, and you can avoid enemies, infectious diseases, poisons, weapons, prisons and untimely death, and you can gain liberation from them.”
“Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Sutra”
“Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes Sutra” says: “If food and drink are poisoned and you recite the Avalokitesvara Mantra with sincerity, eating these things will turn into wonderful heavenly food.”
“Eleven-faced Sutra”
The “Eleven Sided Sutra” says: “If you recite this mantra, you will be looked down upon by a thousand eyes and rescued by a thousand hands. If you bless water with this mantra, anyone who drinks this water will have their karma purified. Anyone who hears this mantra may People who are touched by the sound of the mantra can also purify their karma.”
“The Six-Character Great Ming Mantra Sutra”
The “Six-Character Great Ming Mantra Sutra” says: “By reciting and meditating on the ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ mantra can avoid the damage of all diseases, obtain liberation from it, purify all karma, gain longevity, and benefit from it.” Wealth increases.”
“The Book of Treasures”
“The Treasure Box Sutra” says: “If you recite the six-character Great Ming Mantra, you will attain full merit. When you recite this mantra, ninety-one Buddhas as many as the sands of the Ganges River will come in person, and Bodhisattvas as many as the dust particles will also come in person, and gods, dragons, doveta, The four heavenly kings and others come to protect it in person. All sentient beings in its human body can obtain the status of a Bodhisattva that will never turn back. If you wear this mantra on your body, you will become a vajra body and a stupa. You should know this.
“Sutra of Meaning”
“Sutra of Meaning” says: “If a sentient being who hears this Guanyin Mantra recites this mantra in the ears of others, he will be reborn in the Western Paradise after being freed from the evil realm.”
“The Chakra Sutra”
The “Freedom Chakra Sutra” states: “If one recites the six-syllable Great Ming Mantra 1,800 times every day, all sins and obstacles will be purified, and one will be liberated from diseases, demons, and other adverse conditions.”
“One Hundred and Eight Names Sutra”
“One Hundred and Eight Names Sutra” states: “Those who recite ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ will not fall into the three lower realms, will not be infected with all diseases caused by their karma, and will be liberated from it, and will be able to recall all past lives. And he will be reborn in the land of bliss at the end of their life.
This mantra is the pure original mind of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, a long time ago, practiced this mantra and became a Buddha. The Buddha is referred to as Zhengfa Ming Tathagata. Reciting this mantra is a special prayer for the blessings of the Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, which encompasses the wisdom and compassion of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The sutra says: “In the past, the Dharma Ming Tathagata appeared before me, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who achieved great merits and compassion. In one body and mind, he appeared with a thousand hands and eyes, illuminated the Dharma Realm, and protected all living beings.