Why did Guanyin become female?
Guanyin was revered as a male image in China from its introduction from India until the end of the Tang Dynasty. Guanyin Bodhisattva is a crucial character mentioned in the Lotus Sutra, Huayan Sutra, and the Pure Land Sutras. As the importance of these classics increased during the Tang Dynasty, Guanyin’s reputation also increased, and people who believed in Guanyin also gradually increased.

Different incarnations
In the evolution of later generations, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva evolved into various incarnations to adapt to local concepts, such as Water Moon Avalokitesvara, White-robed Avalokitesvara, etc. These different forms developed their characteristics, and some Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva evolved into a female body.
Why does the image of Guanyin change from male to female?
After the war in the Tang Dynasty, people preferred to worship Guanyin, who were compassionate and rescued people in distress. Despite the changing times, people continued to venerate and expand the legendary story of Guanyin, which eventually became a widespread popularity craze and established certain regional characteristics. .
Women as the incarnation of Guanyin
After the Song Dynasty, the belief in Guanyin became very popular in the south. Some believers viewed her as a female deity and chose women as the embodiment of Guanyin. This reflected not only Guanyin’s artistic reputation, but also the rise of new lay Buddhist groups in the Song Dynasty. Religious practices are mostly carried out at home, and a significant portion of this group is women.
H3 Transformation from divinity to humanity
Buddha statues in the Song Dynasty completed the transition from divinity to humanity. Buddha statues were no longer grand statues, but more like real people in life. The Buddha statues had a more humanistic and approachable appearance.

Female believers increase
Due to the increase in female believers, Chinese artists began creating female Guanyin images based on people’s preferences. To create a familiar and friendly image of Guanyin, the image must align with the common perception of “goddess” held by Chinese people at the time, and The artists who first drew or carved the female Guanyin also reflected the common view.

May this be a blessing. The Pure Land of the Buddha. Reported quadruple grace. The three attempts to relief are challenging. If anyone has seen it. Learned Bodhicitta. Make this newspaper. Born together in the land of bliss.